do-release-upgrade -d no release candidate

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Oct 5 08:30:04 UTC 2010

On 05/10/2010 18:58, Tapas Mishra wrote:
>   do-release-upgrade -d
> Checking for a new ubuntu release
> No new release found
> What does the above mean.

It means that the new release has not yet been released.

Ubuntu 10.10 will be released this coming Sunday (10/10/10).

(You did mention in one of your posts that you are not a newbie to Linux 
or even Ubuntu? Or did I misinterpret what I think I read (hallucinating 
runs in the family...)?

> In my system /etc/update-manager
> prompt=lts is set


"So where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?"
           Christina Aquilera

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