Advise on motherboard purchase

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue Oct 5 04:07:29 UTC 2010

On 05/10/2010 08:46, rikona wrote:
> Hello Basil,
> Monday, October 4, 2010, 6:31:43 AM, Basil wrote:
> BC>  The simple answer is: use, and install the HDs, in cradles.
> I like this way of mounting HDs. I used to do it, but had extremely
> bad experience with built-in fan life. Some brands lasted less than a
> month, running 24/7. Do you have any suggestions for brands, with
> fans, that might run, say, three years, 24/7, without failure?

Nope is the short answer :-) .

I have always used LASER brand and the small extractor fans give up 
sooner or later.

I used to take apart the fans and lubricate the spindles with molybdenum 
paste - but I gave up this fiddly practice. I even bought fans with 
ceramic spindles but they do the same sooner or later.

What I do now is to simply disconnect the fan making a racket and peace 
and quiet returns.

The HDs can operate at up to 70C temperatures but they never get 
anywhere close to this as there is enough air circulating inside the 
case - at least in my computer(s). As well, the newer HDs run VERY cool: 
I have WD 500GB and Seagates and they are barely warm after working all 
day. But, of course, they do feel a bit warmer when the ambient 
temperature goes up.


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           Christina Aquilera

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