Request update to November 2008 - LaunchPad #303032... want to help...

Barry Smith bnsmith001 at
Sun Oct 3 04:08:44 UTC 2010

Hi, Ric.

On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 23:03 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> Did you try to resolve the audio problem first?

Your points are all understood and valid, but after losing 300 Gig and
almost 10 years of data, I wasn't really interested in installing
initially.  I wanted to gddrescue what I could... which didn't work.  I
needed a stable LiveCD that I could boot and use... and then try to
re-install Windoze.  When my XP Pro Windows CD was going to have to
format anyway, I chose to install the OS which had offered me some
stability while I worked to try to rescue what I could.

Because the 8.04 LiveCD worked better (on my hardware "out of the box",
even though my graphics was stuck at 800x600, the computer was
functional) than the 10.04 LiveCD... I chose 8.04. :)

As I set up and got used to waving Windoze goodbye, I happened upon a
way to access my higher resolution in 8.04.

After having such a loss, I wasn't interested in tracking down any thing
for a LiveCD that didn't work "out of the box".  Adding ntfs-3g and
gddrescue was all that I had to do to a boot from the 8.04 LiveCD. :)

I wanted a stable computer again, so that I could gddrescue.  Which
version wasn't important, but the boot sound was better for my nerves,
given that I didn't know that I wasn't going to be able to save any of
the data. :)

Now (a few weeks after getting used to Evolution, and learning my way
around 8.04), I might click that "upgrade" button in Update Manager some
day soon, but I likes my music.

On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 23:03 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> Trying to get assistance on VLC, running on old and crusty, may prove
> to be more difficult. I jabbed f (fullscreen) on Xine, a few days ago,
> (running KDE desktop on top of Ubuntu) and it folded like a house of
> cards. I re-ran it, no prob. Hasn't happened since, so I just pay it
> no mind.

Yep, I guess I should click Upgrade.  Hopefully, I won't lose the driver
configuration that I have currently. ;)

When installing SuperTuxKart from Synaptic on Hardy, I had to download a
driver from Jaunty, and then the SuperTuxKart would install.  I guess
that an upgrade is due... but I don't want to lose my audio. ;)

> Did you try to install Ubuntu 10.4 or Kubuntu 10.4?? Kubuntu has it's
> share of problems with audio, since they decided not to support pulse
> for the LTS version. Duh. So, I install Ubuntu, get the audio working,
> then installed the KDE desktop. YMMV, Ric

I noticed (while learning tasksel and the options available there) that
you can install other desktops onto the Ubuntu install fairly easily.
I like GNOME, and I find that most KDE tools work very well under GDM
with the appropriate KDE data installed. :)

Barry Smith
h 843-332-1369
c 704-497-4217
e bnsmith001 [at] gmail [dot] com

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