Problem installing grub for wubi

Goh Lip g.lip at
Mon Nov 29 02:52:48 UTC 2010

On Mon, 29 Nov 2010 01:45:30 +0800, Francesco Stablum <stablum at>  

> Hello everyone,
> I have been using wubi for three months since now.
> Yesterday the windows bootloader got damaged and I thought that it
> could have been a nice idea to replace it with grub on the /dev/sda
> device.
> I used a ubuntu live cd for this purpose.
> Actually I managed to install grub with the following commands:
> mount -o loop /media/a/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /media/u
> grub-install --root-directory=/media/u/ /dev/sda
> where /media/a is the mountpoint of the /dev/sda3 partition with windows.
> you can read my grub.cfg file at the following page:
> The grub.cfg file is located in the ubuntu filesystem image file that
> is stored on the windows partition.
> Unfortunately at boot grub looks for a device that has the uuid of the
> ubuntu filesystem image.
> It does not find it and fails to load the grub menu, letting me with a
> "grub rescue" prompt.
> How can I tell grub-install to configure grub to look into that file
> image to search for grub.cfg?
> Please let me know if you need other info to solve this problem.
> Thank you very much for the attention,
> regards,
> Francesco Stablum

Francesco, I don't use wubi, and I suspect most of us here don't also, so  
I may be wrong, but I am replying you since nobody else did, and if  
anybody knows what I say here is wrong, please correct me.

I don't think you can do what you're trying to do here because there is no  
'real' partition for grub to point to. Wubi creates a virtual partition  
within your windows partition and uses loop to that image to start ubuntu.  
So you have to start up windows before you can use ubuntu.

I think most of us agree it is far better to install ubuntu than using  
wubi. Hope you'll consider this.

Regards - Goh Lip

I used to have an open mind,
but my brains kept falling out.

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