How to transfer settings from one fresh install to a ubuntu newbies install

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sun Nov 28 20:40:18 UTC 2010

On 28 November 2010 13:42, user1 <bqz69 at> wrote:
> How to transfer settings from one install to a ubuntu newbies install.
> I have read, that a lot of newbies who want to start using ubuntu does
> not because the initial setup after a fresh install is too difficult.
> Some people suggest that linux Mint is better because it does not need so
> much setup.
> Then my suggestion is to make setup more easy, but I am not quite sure
> about how to do it.
> I read following link:
> Each time I have made a fresh install I have used a lot of time and linux
> knowledge to setup my ubuntu, but a newbie will not be able to do it, and
> so ubuntu loses a lot of newbies who stays at windoze because it is too
> difficult.

Could you give some examples of what you think should be setup that is
not there already, that a newby would need?


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