And the "question" is ... - was [Re: Dual Boot]

Richard Owlett rowlett at
Sun Nov 28 20:27:39 UTC 2010

NOTE BENE:  quotation marks in revised subject line ;/

Colin Law wrote:
> On 28 November 2010 12:42, Ali Hassan<alihuco at>  wrote:
>> [...]
>> PS: I like ubuntu and use it for work (research), I use windows for home&  entertainment  ...
> What do you need Windows for that you cannot do in Ubuntu?
> Colin

The *obvious* answer is of course, _NOTHING_!
Stretching an analogy (not quite to breaking point), both 
Windows(tm) and Linux(tm?) are 'Turing complete'.
Therefore, both _can_ do everything.

*THEREFORE* The proper question is "Why use OS xyz?"

I will answer very personally.
I am VERY annoyed with many choices MS has made.
I wish to use a [insert positive adjective] OS.
I believe Linux to be that OS.
*HOWEVER*, I have both VALUABLE programs and data which presume a 
MS Windows(tm) environment.

I *will _NOT_ * jeopardize either during a transition.

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