Dual Boot

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Sun Nov 28 06:34:02 UTC 2010

On Sunday 28,November,2010 07:51 AM, Ali Hassan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have dell inspiron 5010 with windows 7 with microsoft security
> essentials as antivirus software. I installed ubuntu 10.04 on the
> machine. I think it works good. But when I start windows it itells me
> there is a trojan in the boot sector on the HDD. Removing it is okay,
> but at the next restart the same warnning pops up again.
> Could it be possible that microsoft security essentials considers the
> grub as trojan??
> thanks
> ali

Ali, as you are probably aware, most of us here don't use microsoft 
security essentials, but can you let us know the name of the 'trojan' 
which you deleted harmlessly?

Regards - Goh Lip

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