launch program always with parameters

claudiomet claudiomet at
Wed Nov 24 01:40:36 UTC 2010


I'm using Lubuntu in my netbook (works great), and I want to connect
VLC with Pidgin through pidgin-musictraker. The problem is that VLC
must be launched as "vlc --contol dbus"
Hoy can I make this additional parameters permanent?

Cheers !

Claudio Cortes
+56 (2) 2994121

Laboratorio de Investigación, Innovación e Informática Aplicada (L3IA)
Unidad de Modelacion y Gestion de la Calidad del Aire (UMGCA)
Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CENMA)

Claudio Cortes
+56 (2) 2994121

Laboratory Research, Innovation and Applied Informatics
Modeling and Air Quality Management Unit
National Enviroment Centre, Chile (CENMA)

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