Lenovo T60p 10.04 LTS upgrade and 2nd video monitor -- which driver?

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Tue Nov 23 17:57:19 UTC 2010

This T60p has  ATI Technologies Inc M56GL [Mobility FireGL V5250].  After
upgrading to 10.04LTS a few days ago the 2nd monitor connected to the
laptop's VGA plug had a very wavy display.  Pretty much impossible to read.

I installed the fglrx driver and after rebooting and selecting an earlier
kernel ( Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, kernel 2.6.31-22-generic instead of Ubuntu
10.04.1 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-25-generic) both monitors work.

But, I don't have compiz any more.

I do have "Proprietary drives for devices (restricted)" checked, and
Admin->Hardware Drives shows no proprietary drivers.  aticonfig says:

$ aticonfig
aticonfig: No supported adapters detected

Seems like in the past after an upgrade I get a notification in the Gnome
taskbar that a driver is available.  But, I'm not seeing that now.  But, it
also seems like every upgrade on this old laptop requires a day of messing
with it to get the video running.

Anyone know the correct way to get this card working again with the current


Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
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