A virus or two

AV3 arvimide at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 23 02:43:04 UTC 2010

On Nov/22/2010 7:3636 PM, Mark wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 8:36 AM, AV3<arvimide at earthlink.net>  wrote:
>> On Nov/21/2010 4:0450 AM, Mark wrote:
>>> Do you have any idea what you're talking about, because I can't figure it out?
>> I am quite patient in explaining things to supercilious, snide dummies.
> Touche - that came out quite a bit worse than I meant it to, and I
> should have re-read at least once more, but I did find your question
> obtuse.

Matter closed. I only wish "Gilles Gravier" had shared his information, 
especially if any of it is new. I was afraid the old discussion was 
being revived. My previous contributions concerned only whether the 
alleged Mac-Windows malware was a Trojan horse or not, and then the 
entire subject was dropped. I see now it still hasn't been revived.

But I am wary, especially with all those interoperable Mac-Windows 
iPhones, iPods, and iPads out there. Surely they are a sore temptation 
to hackers. I am surprised that nothing has yet materialized.

>> ...

||Arnold VICTOR, New York City, i. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>    ||
||Arnoldo VIKTORO, Nov-jorkurbo, t. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>   ||
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