how to kill a process that is "defunct"?

Steven Susbauer steven at
Sun Nov 21 18:21:52 UTC 2010

On Sunday, November 21, 2010, Jeff G. <connyank at> wrote:
> On 11/21/2010 04:02 AM, Tha.Suresh wrote:
>>> Is there a way to kill that process?
>> $ killall -9 transmission
> Tha, man pages don't show the -9 option - where did that come from?
> Doesn't work for Thunderbird (as a test).

The man pages say you can kill with -s and a number or simply -number,
this includes -9. The names and numbers of the signals are listed in
the kill man page (an alternative is -KILL).

The thunderbird process is most likely thunderbird-bin.

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