Can I disable one of the cores?

J dreadpiratejeff at
Fri Nov 19 17:01:59 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 04:40, Alan Pope <popey at> wrote:

> I name all my machines after computers from science fiction.
> Wopr (War Games), mother (Alien), hactar (Hitchhikers Guide to the
> Galaxy), bishop (Aliens), ash (Alien)..
> Sad, I know.
> Al.

Then I must be equally sad...

When I worked for IBM, I named my lab systems in a similar fashion.  I
had a HAL, a WOPR, and my personal favorite, ProteusIV

WOPR and ProteusIV were 8 node cluster systems and they had their own
temperamental personalities... just like their counterparts int he

My Alienware laptop is named Klaatu (from Day the Earth Stood Still,
not tangentially from Army of Darkness), and I have a lot named for
Star Wars characters and references too. (Rogue, Wedge, Deathstar)



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