Google Earth on Maverick?

David Nelson commerce at
Fri Nov 19 09:38:55 UTC 2010

Hi, :-)

Thanks to Dave Fletcher's help, I got it working on my 32-bit system:

1) Download the .bin file from [1] and save it to a directory.

2) Run:
sudo apt-get install googleearth-package

3) From the directory you downloaded to, execute:
make-googleearth-package --force --file GoogleEarth.bin

I got lots of warnings and it took about 10 minutes, but no problem.

4) Execute:
sudo dpkg -i googleearth_5.2.1.1588+0.5.7-1_i386.deb

5) You should now have a new entry "Google Earth" in your
Applications/Internet menu.

This worked for me. Thanks for the pointers, Dave. HTH.


David Nelson

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