HP G72 with Ubuntu 10.04.1 fails to see builtin wireless adapter

David Curtis dave.c.curtis at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 18:05:55 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Albert Wagner <albertwagner at cox.net>wrote:

>  Just got this HP G72 laptop with Windows 7 installed.  After testing that
> the wireless adapter worked in Windows, I then installed Ubuntu 10.04.1.
> The builtin Broadcom adapter is not recognized by Ubuntu.  It thinks that
> all it has is a eth0 that is not connected.  I found a note in the docs that
> if both eth0 and wireless were available on a machine that only the eth0
> would be used.
> Thanks ahead for any advice on how to proceed.
Broadcom Wireless? If so, you need proprietary drivers.

Read up here:

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