How does one change X windows resolution at boot time from a usb drive?

ms devicerandom at
Mon Nov 15 16:05:12 UTC 2010

On 13/11/10 14:30, Robert Key wrote:

> Hi I don't have access to /etc/X11/xorg.conf as it is in
> /casper/filesystem.squashfs. Remember this is a live system created by
> usb-creator-gtk. In fact there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf because it is
> automatically configured at boot time.

Then you should probably create one. I remember that xorg.conf 
parameters should override the automatic configuration.

Given that squashfs is a read-only filesystem, I guess you have to 
repack the filesystem yourself to do that.

> Thanks anyway,
> Rob

Massimo Sandal, Ph.D.

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