What does "package is set to be manualy installed mean"?

Alan Pope popey at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 15 13:24:44 UTC 2010

On 15 November 2010 12:35, stan <stanb at panix.com> wrote:
> rwhod is already the newest version.
> rwhod set to manually installed.
> I alos sow this for dkms on some machines.
> What caised this? And how do I fix it so that these pakcahes are actually
> installed and working?

The package was already on your system as a dependency of something
else. For example installing the nvidia driver or a binary network
driver may have pulled in dkms to ensure they get compiled each time
the kernel is updated.

If you then "apt-get install dkms" you're saying (effectively) "I know
you're already installed, but I'm telling you that I want you to be
installed, even if I removed the thing that originally pulled you in".
i.e. you _manually_ set that as installed. If you didn't do "apt-get
install dkms" and in the future did a "sudo apt-get autoremove <foo>"
where "foo" is the package that originally brought dkms in then dkms
would be removed.


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