Run script at boot time

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Sun Nov 14 08:28:13 UTC 2010

2010/11/14 Shahar Dag <dag at>:
> Hello
> On Ubuntu 8.04 I want to run a script that update some files.
> I want to run the script when the computer boots.
> The script takes the data from a mounted file system (it’s a network file
> system).
> The script is started by an entry in /etc/crontab that looks like:
> @reboot   root  my_script
> The problem is that the file system is not mounted when my_script is called.

    /etc/rc.local is one of the last script to be called at boot. All
NFS filesystems
  should be mounted at that point. Are your NFS flesystems in /etc/fstab and
  mounted "normally" by the system or are there mounted by some custom
  way ?



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