Separate /home partition

Mark mhullrich at
Fri Nov 12 06:43:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
> I've seen it recommended a number if times that you should have a
> separate /home partition.  When I first installed Ubuntu I wasn't aware
> of this option.  I'm getting a new notebook and plan on putting Ubuntu
> on it.
> It will have a 320GB drive in it. Is there any rule of thumb of what the
> size of the various partitions should be?
I usually use 100MB for /boot, memory size x2 for swap, 20GB for / and
the rest for <whatever you like>.  So far on U10.10 I've used less
than half of my / partition, haven't needed my swap partition at all
and 100MB for /boot is way overkill, but better too much than too
little.  Do try to make the partitions start and end on cylinder
boundaries so the various other relevant disk managers don't complain
about that.

Them's my $0.05 (inflated).


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