
Christopher Lemire christopher.lemire at
Fri Nov 12 02:31:58 UTC 2010

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:23 PM, Mark <mhullrich at> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Christopher Lemire
> <christopher.lemire at> wrote:
>> I found some software hidden in Ubuntu that configures screen pretty
>> nicely. If you are running Ubuntu 10.10, right click Applications,
>> Edit Menu, go to Accessories and Tick Byobu Window Manager. Once
>> you've got it running, F9 brings up the menu. I'm still looking
>> through the scripts to see where the terminal window is launched, so I
>> can get a wider default terminal to display all the info I've got it
>> configured to.
>> I've written three new posts up on my blog if anybodies interested.
> Impressive.

The blog? You like it or Byobu? Other prob solved by changing my
profile preferences in gnome-terminal to use different width/height.

Now I'm seeing temperatures, uptime, ip, wifi signal strength, disk
and network i/o, 4 z shells (zsh) and 1 bash in a screen session my
friends can ssh and connect to.

Christopher Lemire <christopher.lemire at>
Ubuntu 64 bit Linux Raid Level 0

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