Ubuntu 10.10 bug w AC97 sound card

Jonathan Dlouhy dlouhy55 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 09:29:41 UTC 2010

On 11/11/2010 04:23 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 22:00 -0500, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
>> On 11/10/2010 09:51 PM, Mark wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Jonathan Dlouhy<dlouhy55 at gmail.com>   wrote:
>>>> What is the problem? I just joined the list. I have trouble in Java
>>>> games in FF under Maverick. The sound will quit which is only fixed by
>>>> restarting FF.
>>> To which problem do you refer:
>>> 1) The problem where people top post to this group (like you just
>>> did), thereby making a thread difficult or worse to read?
>>> or
>>> 2) A problem with sound that has (so far) nothing to do with Firefox?
>>> Just wondering....
>>> Mark
>> 1) Hey, thanks for making me feel welcome.
> Well, you found out real quick that top-posting is not a good thing.
>> and
>> 2) As even you can see from the one post that I got there is no
>> reference to what the specific problem might be.
> Firefox will jam up with several audio sources open at once.
>> and
>> 3) I'm honored to receive a personal post from someone as distinguished
>> as yourself.
> <chuckles>
>> and
>> 4) Keep up the great work...
> It's usually a good thing to read the list a bit to get the flavor of
> any given list. Lately we've had to post a reminder ~daily~ to ask top
> posters to leave the Windows convention of top posting at the door. It's
> fine for personal correspondence, if that is what you do, but for tech
> support issues that may become googled in the future, a top post just
> ruins the information for the next guy. So, the question gets asked
> again and again and again. Now you know. Ric
Ric, thanks for making the point in a decent way. I haven't been on a 
list like this in years and Crotchcast doesn't have newsgroups anymore. 


Jonathan Dlouhy
"Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and
trying to destabilize their country." --George W. Bush

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