Ubuntu 10.10 bug w AC97 sound card
Basil Chupin
blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Nov 11 07:12:24 UTC 2010
On 11/11/2010 16:45, johnstark wrote:
> #1: Do not call me "Sunshine"
OK, what would you prefer?
> #2: I could care less about your rule on where to post in a response
Not my rules, dude.
They are the rules of this mail list. I did not write them. I simply
adhere to them.
> #3: 25 years of mailing lists and I have neer heard of such a rediculous
> "rule"
I think you meant "never" and not "neer" and "ridiculous" and not
"rediculous", right?
> #4: the sooner I get this sound issue fixed the sooner I'll be outta
> here....
Have you even read what is stated here as a start to get an answer to
your problem?-
> You would rather whine about where a response is posted
I am not whining about it. You are.
> than deal with the
> real problem with the software and instead you piss people off and then
> everyone is ticked off. If we acted this way on ou product lists we wouldn't
> sell anything.
Ah, is this where your use of Windows as the mailer to post messages to
this list comes in, eh? No problemo, of course.... "if we acted....on
ou[sic] product list.....
> Who cares where the response is as long as there is a
> response! I put it where I do out of 25 years of habit and that ain't gonna
> change for you or anyone else.
I couldn't give a tinker's cuss about what your habits over the past 25
years have been.
Go and ply them to your heart's desire elsewhere but don't demeanour the
rules of this mail list.
> I got more important things to wory about and
> wasting three days on sound that doesn't work isn't helping matters and
> niethers all the pissing and moaning oer "top posting". Now, maybe we can
> figure this issue out and in the process help alot of others having trouble
> with it too.
Me thinks that you are now into "quite upset mode" and have lost control.
Relax. Take a deep breath.
Re-read what has been posted.
"Niethers" is "neither, and "oer" is over" - and we don't use words like
"p******" in polite company.
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