Ubuntu 10.10 bug w AC97 sound card

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Nov 11 04:57:02 UTC 2010

On 11/11/2010 15:17, johnstark wrote:
> Who gives a crap where you post as long as you post! My god there are more
> important things in life than whinning over this kind of childish crap! You
> guys whinning about top posting are worse than a bunch of teen girls running
> their mouths about stupid stuff. If I want to post at the top of a message
> I'll damn well do it, and I hae for 25 yeas so get over it! You don't like
> go cry to mommy cause I don't care if YOU like it or not, I am not changing
> fo your whinny rears.
>   Now back to the topic of sound issues.... or lack of sound in this case....
> John

Say "Goodnight" sunshine.

You've just rattled the cage of the Moderator of this list......



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      George W Bush

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