Desktop OS: To be or not to be...

Smokin Chevy chevy4x4burb at
Wed Nov 10 19:06:02 UTC 2010

I think that there is some confusion here.  These are not high end video
cards.  They were middle of the road cards two years ago.  This is not a
gamer rig.  The SLI bridge is not installed.

I did not know that using more then two monitors was that unusual.  I know a
few people who do and I personally have for many years.  I would have
thought that Linux would have come up to speed on that by now.

I have tried downloading the 260 driver directly from nvidia with the same

I will swear by Ubuntu Server for my servers but the Desktop Edition does
not seem ready except for simple desktops.  Now these limitations are
pertaining to Linux, Xorg, and so on.  I just pick on Ubuntu because they
are the closest of the distros that I am aware of to being mainstream
desktop ready.

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Mark <mhullrich at> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Smokin Chevy <Chevy4x4burb at>
> wrote:
> > Christopher Chan <christopher.chan <at>> writes:
> >
> >> Get a Nvidia based graphics solution...
> >>
> >> The radeon driver/fglrx is probably not up to snuff from the looks of
> it.
> >
> > I am running two Nvidia 8800s
> >
> So you have a super-computer for your desktop with a high-end
> gamer-style video configuration and you're saying that Ubuntu is not
> *desktop*-ready?
> I'm not defending Ubuntu's ability to run your configuration, but if
> you have four screens on two high-end nVidia graphics cards, I submit
> that this is an unusual configuration most desktops don't have.
> Have you tried using nVidia drivers?  As posted early this AM, I just
> installed the L&G driver for my one screen on my one low-end nVidia
> card and it runs circles around nouveau.  Admittedly that might not
> solve your gamer-high-end configuration issue, but it seems like you
> would want the most closely customized driver for your video if you're
> that high end.
> BTW, if you choose to use the L&G driver from nVidia, I would get it
> from nVidia directly and install with their installer.  I tried using
> Synaptic to install this one and it failed miserably, but the nVidia
> package installed quite nicely, despite its quirks.
> HTH.
> Mark
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