will 11.04 replace bash

J dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 23:18:47 UTC 2010

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 13:07, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On 11/08/2010 11:50 AM, Deryl R. Doucette wrote:
>> Dude, will you PLEASE quit being so damned 'holier than thou' sounding?
>> This is getting ridiculous! You always have to talk to everyone like
>> you're king or something. Enough!
> I do? Because I'm pretty sure I don't always talk so bluntly unless it's
> /subjectively defined as/ needed, I think you should stop taking
> selective instances and then coming to a definition about somebody.  I
> think you should also stop assuming that somebody thinks they're better
> than another, if I thought I was better than you, I would tell you that.
> For somebody who is able to judge somebody else (as you have) one would
> think you would be able to catch that I am the type of person that would
> come right out and tell you I think I'm better than if you if I actually
> thought that.

Actually, several of your responses as of late have sounded (to me,
and apparently others) rather condescending or self-righteous.

And not in the "Lets all bash Karl" way, but more in the "Stupid n00b" way.

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