video conversion from mp4 to flv problem

Alan Pope popey at
Mon Nov 8 12:01:09 UTC 2010

On 8 November 2010 11:33, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at> wrote:
> Couldn't find package "libmp3lame".  However, the following
> packages contain "libmp3lame" in their name:
>  libmp3lame-dev libmp3lame0
> Couldn't find package "libmp3lame".  However, the following
> packages contain "libmp3lame" in their name:
>  libmp3lame-dev libmp3lame0


The -dev package is used if you want to compile something against that
library. You're not compiling but just using the library, so use the
non-dev one.


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