frequent crash of flash on lucid

Knight knightotp at
Sat Nov 6 09:41:59 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-11-06 at 14:08 +0530, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> I am watching this website
> its a live news channel.
> I have 10-12 tabs open and while I am hearing the audio and reading
> some other article on one of those open tabs
> I close one tab by pressing Ctrl+W suddenly audio and video stops
> working I go back to above tab and see what happened then I find
> that the video and audio streams have disappeared.
> Now I checked the same situation with Chrome and with same steps above
> this repeats.
> So one thing is sure it is not a browser issue.
> While getting above crash I was doing video editing also so I thought
> may be work load is too much to handle
> but I was again wrong when I stopped video editing then this crash repeated.
> The OS is Ubuntu 10.04 with all updates.
> Hardware Dell Inspiron 1440 laptop.
>  3 GB RAM Core2duo processor.
> Firefox 3.6.10
> Adobe flash version as this page reports is
> LNX 10,1,85,3
> Chrome 6.0.472.63
> Since this crash repeated on Chrome also so I can infer that it is not
> a browser issue.
> -- 

Maybe it's a combination of the programs.

My Chromium is already at: 7.0.517.41 (62167) Ubuntu 10.04
And my Firefox version is: 3.6.12
Then my Flash Player (updated last week) reports only LNX (without
number) on the adobe site you visited to check yours.
But it's version is: 10,1,102,64

So, I suggest you perform a update/upgrade to see if this helps.
Knight Of The Post

Linux Pro or Pro Linux?!
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