Age-old topic: Windows-Explorer lookalike, where the firetruck is it?

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Sat Nov 6 01:52:49 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 13:39 -0700, rikona wrote:
> Hello KD,
> Friday, November 5, 2010, 5:57:41 AM, KD wrote:
> K> Jacob Mansfield <cyberjacob <at>> writes:
> >> I was top posting from an Ipad (running Linux of course) do you have any idea 
> K> how hard it is to type on an ipad?
> K> No, I don't know how hard it is to type on an IPad. But why should I care (or
> K> anyone else, for that matter)?
> K> You seem to imply that the IPad isn't the right tool when it comes to posting to
> K> a mailing list. Nevertheless *you* chose to use it for this purpose. Therefore
> K> it's *your* job to cope with it's limitations and not the job of
> K> all other readers of this list.
> You do not speak for all the other readers of the list. 

Well, yeah ...he pretty much does speak for the other readers of the
list. This is a list, in case you haven't noticed, that has a ban on top
posting. People who top post, in flagrant disregard of this list's
netiquette get reminded by various people who have been here a long
while. It's really not up for "negotiation". 

> I, for one,
> appreciate his help, as may others. If YOU are upset, it is trivial to
> block ALL his emails and thus not be upset. That way, you are happy,
> as are other members - a win-win situation.

To not observe this list's rules is not a win-win for everyone. How do
you figure that it is? 

> I also have mentioned the desirability of not top posting, many times
> - but I value good, useful info MUCH more than the minor irritation of
> a top post. 

It doesn't help the next guy who may be gleaning this list from a search
for helpful information is the point. The Fedora / Debian / CentOS and
even the MandrakeOT list all have a policy-engraved-in-stone against top
posting. Please do enlighten us all why this should change? Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256 

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