Installing Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Nov 5 22:15:06 UTC 2010

On 11/05/2010 10:30 AM, Stephen wrote:
> I've had to re-install windows three times. Every time it over writes 
> the MBR and I have to reinstall Ubuntu as well. If the boot loader is on 
> a floppy instead of the MBR that problem goes away. Every one else that 
> uses the computer uses windows.

If you've reinstalled Windows three times then I suggest that have
issues larger than Ubuntu. I don't mean this as an insult, but reckon
that you haven't quite grasped the purpose of the grub boot loader. So
let's try to figure out: 1) what you wish to accomplish, and 2) how you
are going about this, and 3) what needs to be done to assist.

1. If I understand correctly, you'd like the default boot to go to
Windows rather than Ubuntu. Correct? If so we can instruct you on how to
easily set the grub boot loader to do this by default without having to
use a floppy. BTW: floppies with the most recent versions of Ubuntu are
an issue, see:
[ignore the obvious anti-floppy remarks]

2. When you say you've reinstalled Windows three times, are you
installing Windows to a separate hard drive, and Ubuntu to another
drive, or to a are both being installed on a single hard drive? Please
explain in as much detail as you can the process that you are using.

3. Based upon the above I/we/others can better assist.

Provide as much detail as you can. Also, be sure to review:

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