newbie question

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Fri Nov 5 16:09:18 UTC 2010

On Friday, November 05, 2010 5:18:23 am Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On 11/05/2010 07:35 AM, Bob Schmidt wrote:
> > On Fri, 2010-11-05 at 03:06 -0400, Doug wrote:picks the network up,
> > almost 100% signal strength, but cannot connect. I have triple checked
> > password, etc. and everything is correct. I'm not sure what has
> > happened. I hate to reinstall, because everything else is almost
> > perfect.
> I had that VERY SAME issue yesterday. my laptop is dual boot, and the
> windows XP side connected just fine. On ubuntu I DID install trinity
> kde3.5. So I went ahead and reinstalled PLAIN ubuntu 10.10 and now my
> wireless works fine. I DO of course have a separate /home, so it kept
> all my setting & email...

Reinstalling is a very poor option mainly because then you never will know 
what caused the problem.  I had a fellow who re-installed five times cause his 
wireless wasn't working.  It wouldn't work the fifth time either so he called 
me.  I went over and turned his wireless switch on and lo and behold it worked 
flawlessly ever since.  He didn't even know he HAD a switch!

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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