OT (was Re: questions about installing new kernel)

AV3 arvimide at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 5 14:54:38 UTC 2010

On Nov/5/2010 1:3054 AM, Cristopher Thomas wrote:
> On 04Nov 1750, Ric Moore wrote:
>> True, true. OTOH, we do have plenty of Muslim contributors who do not
>> press the issue in a ~technical setting~ that is international in scope.
>> Generally it is reserved for correspondence between devout/devout letter
>> personal exchange though, from what my Muslim friends tell me. Ric
> In Middle Eastern countries it's very common to use this type of opener for
> *all* correspondence, especially in the more conservative countries.
> This includes personal, inter-business, and government letterhead.

This is true, and the OP has considerately chosen a salutation quite 
acceptable to all believers, not just Muslims. However, this forum has 
its quota of unbelievers, who don't want belief intruded here. An 
atheist would likewise be within his rights to start a message with "In 
the name of Nothing, the Non-existent, the idol of the superstitious and 
the gullible."

It seems to me better to just leave one's belief or unbelief out of 
these messages as off-topic and provocative of flame wars.

||Arnold VICTOR, New York City, i. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>    ||
||Arnoldo VIKTORO, Nov-jorkurbo, t. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>   ||
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