questions about installing new kernel
Cybe R. Wizard
cyber_wizard at
Thu Nov 4 20:26:18 UTC 2010
On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 13:03:55 -0400
"Deryl R. Doucette" <me at> wrote:
> Why are you feeding the troll? So he's ticked off cause someone has a
> different belief than him. Like that's not apparent. Either that or
> he's just trying to instigate an issue. Or he's ticked off about 9/11
> and thinks anyone that uses a phrase like that HAS to be muslim and
> therefore deserving of his hatred. (I lost an uncle in the trade
> center and even *I* don't feel that way).
> Leave it alone, let him rant. He's so scared of his own shadow he has
> to hide behind a moniker anyways. Is he really that much of a threat?
You could not possibly be more comically wrong. I'm not ticked off
about anyone's beliefs. I dislike having others' beliefs thrust upon
Nope, my being ticked off is not at all apparent.
How is it that it is /I/ who instigate an issue when it was the OP who
brought religion into the list? I don't quite follow your logic there.
I could not care a bit less about what beliefs others have /as long as
they keep them to themselves/. Muslim, Jew, Christian or other, I just
don't care and don't want to hear about it on an Ubuntu list. Is that
so odd? Do you come here for the preaching? I do not.
Hide behind a moniker? Maybe you could try googling for that name and
find just how much I hide. I have stated several times:
1. my real name
2. my home address
3. my phone number
4. the reasoning why I use the online 'moniker,' and have so stated in
many places around and about the internet.
(hint: Smith, Jack)
You got one right; I'm not much of a threat.
But you seem to have added an unnecessary word there at the end of your
last sentence.
Now, back to Ubuntu?
Cybe R. Wizard
“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without
Christopher Hitchens
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