Mails not from me

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at
Wed Nov 3 00:24:23 UTC 2010

On 3 Nov 2010, at 12:16am, Alan Pope wrote:

> On 2 November 2010 23:52, Chris Jones <christopher.rob.jones at> wrote:
>>> What are the sending time-stamps?  Do they show times throughout the
>>> day or are they all from around 3:49 this morning?
>> As far as I can tell, the sending time stamps are 'now', not from earlier on today. Which is partly why I don't believe he has successfully stopped the messages.
> All the mails I've seen have exactly the same timestamp. Maybe your
> mail client is showing the time they arrived not the time they were
> sent.

Sorry, but no. All the information I am seeing in the headers suggest they are still being sent, as of 3 mins ago...


> Al.
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