Not a desperately urgent request but a quick solution would be very nice - it's about a Biorhythm program

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Nov 2 09:38:08 UTC 2010

On 02/11/10 10:04, Goh Lip wrote:
> On Tuesday 02,November,2010 04:27 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
>> Goh Lip,
>> A short reminder: true random numbers are only generated by true random
>> sources (e.g. the decay of a radioactive substance), mathematically
>> generated numbers are pseudo-random as you can generate the same series
>> using the same seed-number.
>> Joep
> I disagree, Joep, even without computer aid, true random numbers can be
> obtained by basic methods, for example, Monte-Carlo simulation or even
> taking the last digit of a log table. But, it's okay to disagree, or to
> be wrong.  :)
> Take care, regards - Goh Lip
> ps: vs rrrrramachandran is quite some character, isn't he?
Yes, you're right. I forgot to mention, besides radioactive decay, more 
basic methods taht also can give random numbers. However, what nowadays 
is used as random numbers are practically always pseudo-random numbers 
(i.e. in all simulations) that's one of the reasons predictions, based 
on models are sometimes way out.


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