I successfully Restored Grub Boot-loader But It Doesn't Work.

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Tue Nov 2 05:14:32 UTC 2010

> I have successfully re-installed grub boot loader from the Internet link
> that was sent to me, but the only item that will boot is the first one
> in the list. Which is the Ubuntu.
> None of the other items in the boot list will work. Windows, Memory
> Test, The previous kernal, or any of the safe boot list items will work.
> I am not very experienced with Ubuntu, and would appreciate any help I
> can get.
> Thanks in advance;
> Stephen Oulton

Steven, we know you are new to the list, but please do not hijack any 
thread; reply to the subject thread at hand and not to any other message 
subject. For new subjects, please start a new thread, ie at thunderbird, 

Now, to answer your question, at a terminal type
sudo grub-install dev/sda

Regards - Goh Lip


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