
Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Mon Nov 1 02:41:57 UTC 2010

On 10/31/2010 09:33 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
> I don't. Running mission critical software under a VM over here. 
> Specifically, Windows 2008 Web Server + SQL Server 2005 Express and 
> Softlink Oliver (big Jboss app - blasted thing chews up to 1GB of RAM at 
> times) under Virtualbox. The thing is running smoothly now.
> I get to snapshot it in case it ever gets infected or somehow trashed. 
> Tell me why it is much better if run natively.

I run a lot of mission critical apps on virtualisation too.  While
probably not the same level of virtualisation they do, I certainly run a
lot of our company software on virtualised operating systems and I
agree, we not only take snapshots but we can restore those snapshots and
migrate our systems while they're live.

I guess Virtualistaion might be the new x64, you remember when everybody
used to say "don't use x64 there is no real benefit" >.>

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