Not a desperately urgent request but a quick solution would be very nice - it's about a Biorhythm program

rikona rikona at
Mon Nov 1 02:38:31 UTC 2010

Hello Cybe, :-)

Sunday, October 31, 2010, 6:36:56 AM, Cybe wrote:

CRW> On Sat, 30 Oct 2010 23:42:30 -0700
CRW> rikona <rikona at> wrote:

>> My thought was
>> that some folks might like to know the results of some good science.

CRW> I would be one of those folks and would welcome seeing that
CRW> discussion on sounder

It is OT, for sure - not at all associated with Ubunutu.

CRW> (if it isn't off-topic even there).

From the comments in previous emails, some folks were scolded for
posting OT emails there. I get the impression that it's just a
sort-of-OT-as-long-as-we-approve list. :-)

CRW> Cybe R. Wizard -perhaps Ubuntu doesn't want free discussion among us

I can understand their position. Lists with absolutely NO censorship
[reeeeally free discussion :-) ] can be quite upsetting to many folks,
and sometimes quite ugly. That is perhaps not the kind of list a
responsible company or organization would like to sponsor or be
associated with. It is probably better to let some individual, not at
all associated with Ubuntu, etc, set it up and run it. Then Ubuntu
can, and should, keep their distance.

If you can stand the atmosphere, though, such lists can be quite

This particular topic gets directly into the beliefs vs science arena
- an arena which historically, and currently, often result in some
strong emotions and statements. It might end up a bit too wild for
sounder... at least, that's my belief. :-))   



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