Problems Lucid - INTERNET

Paulo Mauricio paulom555 at
Mon May 31 20:53:01 UTC 2010


The problems returned. Today, I dowloaded a file 175MB ok, but when I
tried my account's bank on line ethernet failed. The same errors.

I don't know what to do.


2010/5/28 NoOp <glgxg at>:
> On 05/28/2010 03:37 PM, Paulo Mauricio wrote:
>> Hi OP.
>> I found in the other forum 2 posts with the same problem, and I'm
>> testing after changed in the BIOS "WAKE UP LAN" ENABLE. Since the
>> morning, I'm in Brasil, it's working. Now 7:25 PM, I downloaded two
>> files, 155 MB and 195 MB, the first started with 300 KB tx bandwidth,
>> after 70 MB the tx bandwidht went to the 70 KB, and I thought it was
>> failed, but connection didn't stop, and no error messages, finished
>> after a long time, but finished ok, the other file downloaded faster
>> than the first and tx high. I'm waiting and testing. The other
>> sugestion is put ont the grub.conf a line with "no acpi".
> Now that's interesting. Can you post the link to the forum posts
> BTW: Please bottom post on this list - obrigato :-)
> ...
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