upstart, plymouth and boot

Merwin merwin.irc at
Mon May 31 12:13:48 UTC 2010



I'm working on a computer where / is crypted using cryptsetup. The
passphrase is stored on an external USB key.

When I boot my computer, a script placed in the initramfs mounts usb
keys and try to find a key.key file. if found, it will be used to unlock
the main disk.


I want to write a script that "pause" the boot until the usb key has
been removed. The script part is my problem and not the subject of my
mail. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, and so, upstart.

I would like to write a message during the splash screen, showing
"Please remove the USB key and press enter..." until the usb key has
been removed.

What I did

I wrote a file.conf in /etc/init with this:

start on started plymouth-splash
/bin/plymouth ask-question --command="echo" --prompt="It works?"
sleep 5
end script

Nothing happended during boot. So, if somebody could show me an example
of how to show a message using plymouth during the boot with upstart, I
will be very happy !

Thanks for your help and sorry for my english, I'm French.

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