Dual monitor - how to save settings?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sun May 30 19:26:28 UTC 2010

On 30 May 2010 20:09, Amedee Van Gasse <amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be> wrote:
> On 30-05-10 14:39, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 30 May 2010 12:06, Amedee Van Gasse (ub)<amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be>  wrote:
>>> Is there anyone on the list who knows about xrandr?
>> This might be helpful though I cannot vouch for it.
>> http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2#Now_automate_it_on_login
>> Colin
> That's more or less what I wrote in my mail sent on 29-05-10 10:58.
> Meh.
> No problem for me, but how do the muggles fix this? Or do they just send
> angry mails to the list telling that they will leave Ubuntu for Windows?

Presumably this must count as a reportable bug, as the conventional
setting via the GUI is not saved for some reason.


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