
n3mo n3mo.wolf at gmail.com
Sat May 29 21:21:35 UTC 2010

I have nokia N810 and it is great! But n810 is not a phone, it's bigger than
n900 and its keyboard is easy to use. N900 is not bad at all, I want to buy
one too, but you can't use it like a netbook, because of its keyboard and
its procesor.

2010/5/29 madunix <madunix at gmail.com>

> after reviewing http://maemo.nokia.com/n900/  and
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/nokia-n900-first-look few days
> ago, I have decided to get nokia N900 over a blackberry, iphone and
> droid... since i wanted linux portable box. I need to know your
> feedback about this issue.
> Thanks
> --
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