Please move general discussion to sounder

Johnneylee Rollins johnneylee.rollins at
Fri May 28 11:33:48 UTC 2010

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 4:21 AM, Amedee Van Gasse (ub)
<amedee-ubuntu at> wrote:
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 04:14, Michael Haney wrote:
>> The biggest problem I have with this list all of the rampant "Elitism"
>> and "Newbie Hate".  It has no place here, its not wanted here, and it
>> just causes chaos and discord in what should otherwise be the best
>> damn Linux support community on the planet.
> What about "Elitist Hate"? Isn't that unwanted too?
> It sounds a bit like Mao's Cultural Revolution when they forced all
> intellectuals to work on the fields.
> You *need* intellectuals. If you force all of them to move to Debian or
> FreeBSD, who is going to help the newbs?
> In my not so humble opinion elitism is just as bad as anti-intellectualism.
>> The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.  This
>> community, this list especially, needs to stop catering to the needs
>> of the "very vocal" few who refuse to act civil and don't show the
>> same respect that they loudly demand from others.  They can learn to
>> place nice or they find another playground because we won't stand for
>> it anymore.
> And what about the separation between the technical list and the general
> discussion list? Am I an elitist if I mention that? The technical list is
> not your personal playground to lecture people about supposed elitism. If
> you have complaints about people on ubuntu-users at, you
> don't voice them on ubuntu-users at You go to
> sounder at
> *Move this discussion to frakkin' sounder! Please!*
> (this is just a friendly suggestion)

This is rife with irony :(


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