recipe for installing publican 1.99 on 10.04

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Fri May 28 08:32:53 UTC 2010

  as a followup to my previous post, here's an alleged recipe for
installing the wicked cool, pre-release version of the publican
document/website publishing system on ubuntu 10.04.  i present it here
not so much out of altruism but for ubuntu gurus to lecture me on what
i did wrong so i can fix it.  :-)

step 1:  download the two noarch rpms from here:

step 2:  since they're conveniently noarch rpms, mindlessly use
"alien" to convert them to .deb files.  don't even worry about
possible embedded scriptlets.

step 3:  install

  based on simple check of running "publican --help",

  $ export PERL5LIB=/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0

and install packages:

  * libarchive_zip_perl
  * libdbi_perl
  * libtemplate_perl

at which point "publican --help" at least runs.

  as for rpm file scriptlets, there was only one -- the post install
scriptlet for the website package:

postinstall scriptlet (using /bin/sh):
/usr/bin/perl -e 'use Publican::WebSite; my $ws = Publican::WebSite->new(); $ws->regen_all_toc();'

  i have no clue what that does but it looks like i can run it
manually at any time before using the website functionality.

  thoughts?  i've heard from various sources that the functionality
built into this version of the package is seriously cool so if anyone
else wants to sanity check what i did and correct me, that would be
most appreciated.

  now i just need to find the docs ...



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

            Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

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