Adding kernel parameters to _other_ OS in grub

NoOp glgxg at
Wed May 26 04:41:07 UTC 2010

On 05/25/2010 08:46 PM, Tom H wrote:
> The configfile option might be of interest to the OP because he could
> chainload his Kubuntu install through a configfile entry in 40_... and
> he could have different kernel parameters in his Kubuntu install and
> update them and his Kubuntu kernels with uodate-grub whilst booted in
> Kubuntu. (What I don't understand is why anyone would have separate
> 10.4 installs for GNOME and KDE but that is another matter
> entirely...)

I think that is missing the point of the OP. It would be quite handy to
find an "easy" way to do as Dotan is requesting. For example I have
multiple machines with several OS' & versions on them; 8.04, 9.04, 9.10,
10.04, Winx etc. To have to create 40_custom entries for all of them is
simply too much effort. For the time being I rather just edit the
grub.cfg if I want to add a kernal option. Additionally, having GNOME
and KDE on separate partitions is an excellent way to compare between
the two if you wish to keep the installs clean (i.e., no gnome install
then install kde so you have both libraries etc., or no kde install that
you then clutter up by installing gnome). For comparison purposes it
makes perfect sense to me.

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