Downloading Flash in Firefox

Michael Satterwhite michael at
Mon May 24 16:33:46 UTC 2010

On Sunday, May 23, 2010 09:37:55 pm NoOp wrote:
> On 05/23/2010 06:55 PM, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> > On Sunday, May 23, 2010 05:46:23 pm NoOp wrote:
> ...
> >> That looks correct to me. When you say "I'm back to the blank space on
> >> the screen where the flash content should display" what specific
> >> url/webpage are you trying? If you can provide the url/link others can
> >> test as well.
> > 
> > It really couldn't get any more vanilla. *ANY* video on youtube has the
> > problem. Here's the current suggested one.
> > 
> >
> > - Kijc&feature=featured
> If I turn off flash I get:
> You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video.
> Download it from Adobe.
> If I turn flash on, the video plays fine. So I'll repeat:
> To test, please click here:
> That should check your version and respond with:
> You have version 10,0,45,2 installed
> It that still has issues, then I recommend that you try a different
> Firefox profile to test and see if the problem is with your profile. You
> can do this by renaming /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox to something
> like /home/<username>/.mozilla/x-firefox-x and then reopen firefox to
> test. You can always move this back if you find the problem is with the
> profile.

I would never have thought of this ... and really didn't think it would do 
anything. This took a giant step forward. The video plays now - but I have no 
sound. I just checked my sound system by playing an mp3. My sound is working.

Thanks for the help to this point. Now I'm addressing the sound issue.


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