resetting mysql root password on 10.04

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sun May 23 18:48:02 UTC 2010

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Mike McMullin <mmcmullin at> wrote:
>  For some odd reason following the instructions on locating the .pid file
> and killing the process fails.  Each time that I try and invoke the
> mysql_safe command with the init file option I get an error telling me
> that a mysqld process already exists.  I decided to beat it dead by
> uninstalling everything and then reinstalling everything associated with
> it.  I now have the access that I wanted.  On to other problems with the
> migration.

On Ubuntu (and most linuxes):

to stop mysql: /etc/init.d/mysql stop

to start: /etc/init.d/mysql start

Just like any service.


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