apt.conf CompressionTypes

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat May 22 21:20:58 UTC 2010

On 05/20/2010 01:47 PM, Chuck Peters wrote:
> While upgrading a slow 233MHz machine I noticed the changelog says we can
> now prefer less CPU intensive compression of the deb packages.
> apt (0.7.24) unstable; urgency=low
>   * Already included in the last version but now with better documentation
>     is the possibility to add/prefer different compression types while
>     downloading archive informations, which can decrease the time needed for
>     update on slow machines. See apt.conf (5) manpage for details.
> I did a little googling, reading man pages and greping files and it's not
> clear to me how I should implement this feature or if it would do any good.
> Should I just put the "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { "lzma"; "gz"; };"
> in any /etc/apt/apt.con.d/file?


> Are the ubuntu archives setup to allow this compression preference?

I _think_ that you'd configure as in this example:

Acquire::CompressionTypes {

I have an apt.conf file in /etc/apt/ (/etc/apt/apt.conf) that I've
modified to have apt downloads not to exceed a certain speed that
follows the same:

$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf
// Options for limiting Update Manager download speeds
Queue-Mode "access";       // host|access
Dl-Limit "100";        // 100Kb/sec maximum download rate

The '//' marks are in my file are for comments only.

And /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/config-index shows:

    bz2 "bzip2";
    lzma "lzma";
    gz "gzip";

    Order { "gz"; "lzma"; "bz2"; };

and /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf shows
  The Acquire group of options controls the download of packages and the
       URI handlers.

  Acquire::CompressionTypes::FileExtension "Methodname";
  Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { "lzma"; "gz"; };

so perhaps that will work instead. As for the repositories, I think they
only use .gz and .bz2. So if you prefer bz2 first;

  Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { "bz2"; "gz"; };


    bz2 "bzip2";
    lzma "lzma";
    gz "gzip";

    Order { "bz2"; "gz"; };

?? I don't actually know. But perhaps all this will spark someone to
come along who does.

This may be of interest:
[marked as done (apt: Acquire::CompressionTypes causes infinite loop)]
but that refers to the usr using 0.7.23 & the developer recommends
0.7.24. 0.7.24 is no longer showing as an option (only 23 and 25):


so maybe 24 got pulled? Also, Ubuntu's 23 adds the patch mentioned in

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