setting up the Android SDK on 10.04?

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at
Fri May 21 13:47:13 UTC 2010

I took a quick run through the "hello world" and notepad examples on my 9.10
desktop without any hiccups.  I'm not really a java developer, so I haven't
pushed much past there. Everything including running the emulator worked
fine though.

On May 21, 2010 9:13 AM, "Robert P. J. Day" <rpjday at> wrote:

 my next project -- downloading and setting up the SDK for android
2.2 on my lynx system.  while there's abundant documentation out
there, some looks a bit out of date so i'm wondering if anyone's
already gone thru it.

 currently, i'm poking thru these pages:

and it seems fairly clear that at least some of that info is out of
date.  it specifically says it's for hardy heron, so one suspects
there will be a few tweaks.

 there's also a reference to eclipse not being current enough but the
current ubuntu repos have eclipse 3.5 so that appears to be
acceptable.  and given the requirement for java 5 or 6, i'd like to
think that the openjdk packages would be sufficient.

 in any event, the process *looks* fairly obvious but if anyone else
has done this and tripped over any gotchas, or if there's a
ubuntu-specific page for lynx that covers this, i'd be interested.  no
matter what, i suspect that will be this weekend's project.



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

           Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

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