Noob questions mallard/docbook

Mark C. Miller mr.mcmiller at
Thu May 20 00:33:45 UTC 2010

On Wed, 19 May 2010 17:14:33 -0400, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> On Wed, 19 May 2010, Mark C. Miller wrote:
>> I want to help with the documentation (proof-reading is about all I'[m
>> qualified to do; maybe testing instructions).  I've been in contact
>> with Phil Bull who is going to start me easy with plain text stuff.
>> Nevertheless, I've watched some discussion about docbook vs mallard.
>> Thought I would take a peak at them and see what was being discussed. 
>> I found docbook in the repositories using Synaptic and downloaded it to
>> try out but can't find mallard.  A google search for Mallard was all
>> over the place: from Donald Duck references to a site about genome
>> processing. I also saw some references to "bzt" in some previous
>> discussions-- at least I seem to remember it. How does that fit into
>> the picture?
> rday

there's no download option on that page.  Where can I find it?

On a second note; I used synaptic to download docbook, but can't find 
it.  There was no addition to the applications menu, and I can't find a 
way to invoke it from the command line.


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