Open Document files in Abiword and OpenOffice

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Wed May 19 13:35:02 UTC 2010

Graham Todd wrote:
> I thought the Open Document Format was a genuine standard, so in my
> ignorance I assumed that all documents created by a word processor
> supporting this format would recognise it identically.
> Can anyone explain why this should not be the case?

All I can think of would be font availability, but presumably you're 
opening the two on the same PC. I've noticed same, but don't have 
anything running both OOo and Abiword. Other than that, it's just 
implementations honoring the spec with differing thoroughness.

If it's of any use, OOo and MSOffice appear to generally agree on what 
the document should look like - of these three Abiword is the odd one out.

Avi Greenbury

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