Installing 10.04 to 2TB disk, does not boot
Karl Larsen
klarsen1 at
Wed May 19 11:48:18 UTC 2010
On 05/18/2010 07:13 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 09:01 PM, Dave Howorth wrote:
>> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>>> Dave Howorth wrote:
>>>> Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:
>>>>>> Then I would just start a fresh install and leave everything to the
>>>>>> installer and hope it knows what it's doing! :) (unless there are known
>>>>>> problems) Just my 2p.
>>>>> There are. See previous posts.
>>>> Would you mind pointing out the specific message?
>>> The OP used the alternate installer because he wanted RAID
>> Right, but Matthias is not using RAID for this attempt.
> Well, we don't know that. He has five 2TB disks if I remember correctly
> and he did not give us the information of everything this time round.
>>> debian installer does not yet properly support gpt (or at least, the
>>> version that ubuntu uses since there does appear to be a fix/recipe for
>>> gpt in Debian's some time late last year)
>> I don't really understand all that. It seems to be saying that lucid
>> should work as long as there is a grub_bios partition, which Matthias
>> has created and as described at
> That's assuming the installer did everything else correctly...right now,
> an error message claiming no bootable disk seems to indicate zero
> installation of grub to any MBR of his disks...
>> I'm not yet very familiar with Ubuntu. That link seems to show a fix in
>> grub2 1.95+20070505-1 as of June 2007, or am I misunderstanding it? And
>> lucid uses 1.98? As at:
> Nope. That is a report FROM June 2007 with what looks like a fix
> sometime last year.
>> Did the fix get lost somewhere?
> How should I know? I have no idea which version of the installer lucid
> uses. The problem, by the way, is not with grub2.
>> So I'm still not understanding what the problem is for a non-RAID lucid
>> install where the grub_bios partition has been created?
> It is down to this: Does the installer, whether the Ubuntu installer on
> the LiveCD or the debian installer on the alternate cd, know how to
> ensure a working installation of grub2 on a gpt partition based disk
> when the computer does not use EFI firmware but BIOS firmware.
The answer is :-)
You can not use the Master Boot Record because Ubuntu can not
handle gpt language :-(
You can however use ANY other partition as the source for Grub2. I
am not sure how the Grub2 does this but you need to watch the system
load and have the the address you want to use written down. It will be
similar to /dev/sda3 :-P
73 Karl
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
Key ID = 3951B48D
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